Business Listings - Fruitarian


Retreats, chefs, communities, health coaches, holistic centers, and businesses which promote a fruitarian diet.


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The Woodstock Fruit Festival

Listed in Events: Festivals & Expos, Fruitarian, Natural Hygiene, Vacations

Diamond Point, NY 12824, USA

Description: The world’s premier health event celebrating the love of fruit and fruit based diet, nature, exercise, education, social pleasures. By Launching The Woodstock Fruit Festival we aspire: 1. To provide an opportunity for all people wishing to experience the fruit… Read more...

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Tanglewood Wellness Center & Annual Fruit Festival

Listed in Events: Festivals & Expos, Fasting Retreats, Fruitarian, Natural Hygiene


La Mercedes de Hojancha, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Description: — Currently CLOSED | Planning to re-open in the near future — Tanglewood Wellness Center is a water fasting retreat that provides experienced, knowledgeable fasting supervision since 1996 in beautiful, clean, quiet, and comfortable surroundings that foster the deep rest… Read more...

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