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The Lover’s Diet – by Viktoras Kulvinskas

As five and a half billion humans prepare to enter a New Millennium, our well-being, even our very survival as a species, depends on our recognizing, and then acting upon, our interconnected Wholeness in the One. Indeed, on all levels of being and existence, consciously or unconsciously, from subatomic bonds, to planetary force fields to sexual attraction among lovers, we all strive to interconnect, to become One.

Even interconnecting on the Information Superhighway of the Internet brings us closer together. The paths to this Oneness are many. So much so that we are continually bombarded with books, videos, CDs and audiocassettes which offer both old and new formulas with which to reach some aspect of the One. But what is most often missing in these well-meaning but incomplete prescriptions is a foundation of how to care for the body vehicle that you’ll “be in” when you reach this state of Oneness. We call this body vehicle the “lover’s body.” The lover’s body is not just “any body.” The lover’s body is itself an expression of wholeness–a vehicle of awakening out of the prison of name and form.

The lover’s body is extraordinarily super-nourished and supercharged with energy. The lover’s body has an increased capacity to send and receive love on the multiple octaves of its awakened subtle energy centers. The lover’s body experiences inner and outer peace no matter what is going on in the external world. The lover’s body will be standard equipment, the “body of choice,” for the new planetary citizen in the coming Millennium. When the “lover’s diet” is given to an ordinary body, true alchemy occurs, and the age-old splits between the body and brain, brain and mind, mind and soul, soul and Oversoul, begin to be healed.
As you’ll read in this book, the lover’s diet is nothing less than nutritional manna–a sacred gift from the Creator. Eating the lover’s diet is a form of prayer which builds the foundation for the consecration and divination of the temple of the human body.

Many blessings issue forth from this biochemically based, enzyme-driven holy communion. Through the principle of Oneness, the lover’s diet transmutes the water of maximum human longevity into the wine of Life Eternal. Spiritually advanced souls, sometimes called spiritual masters, live in and by the physical and metaphysical laws of Life, Love and Oneness. These harbingers of divinity are always aware of this spiritual interconnection with all things and beings in nature and the universe. They live in, and for, the One. Throughout history and to this day, these advanced beings have mastered the lessons of love, have climbed each rung of the chakra ladder and realized the highest consciousness that is in all of us. These Great Ones have transcended the veils of separation and have connected with a Universal Oneness which is beyond words to describe. Amidst a confusing play of duality, they teach that each one of us have assumed various character-roles in the grand play of the Creator. With the power of love they have pierced through the illusion of separation and reclaimed the essence of Spirit.

As we enter this New Millennium, our challenge will be to live up to the teachings of these spiritual masters. We must seek better ways to live in loving harmony with our fellow humans and all the other life-forms that desperately need our protection. But the sad fact is that we need protection even from ourselves!
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, 70% of all disease is diet-related. We are the only living organisms on the planet that cook and destroy our own food by subjecting it to the fire (of cooking) and brimstone (of processing)–thus destroying many essential nutrients and subtle energy fields that would otherwise keep us in Wholeness, in the One.

In our sacred journey back to the One, the lover’s diet plays a vital role in helping us to experience bubbling joy, unbounded energy, and freedom from disease.
It’s time to wake up the sleeping divinity within us and become true lovers of life. A modern day Essene minister (who wishes to remain anonymous) expresses this poetically in the verse:

Where there is life, there must be love,
It comes from within, around and above,
And those who live life’s laws of love solely,
Are invariably healthy, happy and holy.

We ask you to try out the lover’s diet for two months. If you do, we promise you that you will fully understand the meaning behind the title of this book. Isn’t it time to reactivate/ reclaim/ recreate your lover’s body Remember–Life is One. Love is All. Let’s Connect Now, in Love–in Wholeness, in the One.

–Viktoras Kulvinskas

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