Peter Edwards – Music Videos

Peter Edward Firk (musical stage name: Peter Edwards), British-born composer, pianist and multi-keyboardist, is one of the early innovators of new age piano and contemporary instrumental soundscapes.

Peter was raised in the picturesque country town of Wallingford, England, just 50 miles northeast of the mystical Stonehenge. As a child he often played at Donnington Castle, a short walk from his home in Newbury, Berkshire. Born into a musical family, his father, brother and uncle played a wide variety of instruments, and his mother sang in local choirs. Peter began classical piano lessons at six years old.

Peter’s CDs have been used in alternative health centers, Spas, Yoga centers, offices, at home, and creative visualization workshops to enhance the experience of the participants. His concerts have been loved by audiences of all ages.

Over three decades of performing and composing culminated in Peter’s debut acoustic piano album in 2002 ‘Secret Oasis’, featuring violinist Anthony Blea. Peter’s latest CD ‘Eternity‘ can be heard on Bandcamp.

Here is a partial list of venues where Peter Edwards has performed, both solo and in bands:
WPKN – (Radio | Bridgeport, CT)
WTNH – (TV | New Haven, CT)
WGBH (Public TV, Boston)
WYBC (Radio)Brian Alden Jazz Festival
Storer Cable T.V. “On Stage”
Yale University Timothy Dwight College
Whole Life Expo
United Nations ‘Culture of Peace’ (NYC)
Yale Divinity School
The Schubert Performing Arts Center

Why not RELAX for a few minutes and watch one of Peter’s YouTube Videos below:



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