The Clohesy River Health Farm
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Listed in Centers & Coaches, Fruitarian, Natural Hygiene
- PO Box 901, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia
- 61 7 4093 7989
Established in 1971, the 300 acre farm lies in a peaceful valley with a natural bush setting on the banks of the Clohesy River. The Farm, which is The Academy of Natural Living Campus, is located 45km (35 miles) from Cairns.
The Farm — a healing sanctuary — is a place for rest, relaxation, recuperation, and/or rejuvenation. We find that Nature Cure as practised here is an “alternative to all medicines” for those truly interested in improving their health and are seriously seeking to avoid or regress degenerative disease problems. Fasting can be undertaken (but is not mandatory, and is sometimes contra-indicated) under the supervision and care of John L. Fielder, DO, DC, ND. Dr Fielder has over 35 years experience in this area of natural healing.
Dr Fielder, a certified teacher of Biogenic Living and Life Science, a lecturer in the History, Philosophy, Practice of Nature Cure, Fasting, Natural Hygiene, and Biogenic Living, teaches weekly classes from his Lifestyle Consultant’s Course in Natural Living, which is based upon these principles. He is the founder/director of Clohesy River Health Farm and The Academy of Natural Living, founder of the Natural Health Society of South Australia, a member of the British Register of Naturopaths and the Incorporated Society of Registered Naturopaths in the UK, and a member of the International Association of Hygienic Physicians in the US.