
Raw Aura Organic Cuisine

Added by RawFoodPlanet.com — Staff Pick

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Listed in Restaurants & Juice Bars

  • 94 Lakeshore Rd. East, Mississauga,ON. L5G 1L3 Canada
  • 905-891-AURA(2872)


The goal of Aura is to provide familiar food that everyone knows and loves, in the most delicious, nutritious, and environmentally – friendly way.

By using 100% raw ingredients, this means nothing is heated above 43C / 105F. This retains the digestive enzyme, vitamin, and mineral content of one’s dinner in its pure and natural state. These living foods are simple to digest, leaving the body light and energized since this simple form requires no extra energy from the body. Flavours are pure, fresh and intense, honouring the divine banquet provided by the earth.

Finally, where possible our ingredients are organic and harvested sustainably, this means you are not only doing yourself a favour, but you are creating fertile space to grow for generations to come.

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