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Using our Maps

–– Special Note: The MAPS on Raw Food Planet are in temporary ‘Google Developer Mode’, We hope to have them back running properly in May 2024 ––


The World Map

The Map Legend, listing the categories & their respective colored markers, can be opened and closed using the + or – button in the bottom right corner of the main map. When clicking on any map marker, a ‘info box’ will come up with the listing name, address, link, and “Get Directions on Map’ option. By clicking the name, you will be taken to the individual listing page with the description and photo(s) for that business.

Search by Category:
To see all map markers within a chosen CATEGORY (ie. restaurants, chefs, retreats, etc — see complete list w/links below), you must use the ‘Search by Category’ button  (above the map). If a search brings you more than 100 results, additional listings can be accessed using the ‘Next’ & ‘Previous’ buttons at the bottom of each page.


Search by company name or keywords: 
Type the name of a business (or keyword) within the ‘SEARCH – by name/keyword’ field, then click ‘Search’ button at the right.

Search by city, state, country or zip code: 
Type the city, state, zip or country within the ‘Search by – City, State, zip’, then click ‘Search’ button at the right.

Important Note: This type of search will ONLY show listings within that specific search (ie. within a zip code area or city). It will not include the surrounding area. To see listings in the surrounding area, one needs to go to the home page Map and zoom into the area one is looking to discover.

Combined Search:
To focus your search, you can combine the ‘SEARCH – by name/keyword’ and ‘Search by – City, State, zip’ search boxes above the map (i.e.. restaurant + london).

Individual Listing Maps: (not currently functioning)
Each listing has a small (approx. 2″x2″) Google map within the right column to use for directions. By typing in your starting point address, and clicking the ‘Get Directions’ button, detailed street directions will appear within the column, just below the map. Have a rawkin’ trip!

You can search for just Businesses using the Vacations, Restaurants and ‘Search by Category‘ buttons (above the map)

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