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Good Tasting Wild Edible Plants – USA


Weeds are but plants for which we have not found sufficient use. But how unfair! Wild edibles, when one is sure they are edible and not poisonous, are usually nutritionally superior to their more civilized man-grown cousins. Add them to your salads or munch in the wild, but watch out – the sometimes strong flavor can be a bit overwhelming!

Thanks to Andrew P. Firk (former owner of Wild Harvest Herbs) for compiling the Eastern list, and to W.I.L.D. for the Western
U.S. list.


Salad Greens
Roots & Tubers
Nuts, Seeds & Grains
Eastern USA
Wild Asparagus Indian Cucumber Peppermint Wild Strawberry Sunflower Wild Onion
Watercress Jerusalem Artichoke Spearmint Red & Black Raspberry Black Walnut Peppergrass
Sourcress Day Lily Sassafras Wild Grape American Hazelnut Wild Garlic
Chickweed Burdock Sweetfern Highbush Bluebery Shagbark Hickory Shepherd’s Purse
Purslane Wild Leek Labrador Tea Common Blackberry Wild Rice Garlic Mustard
Young Chicory Leaves
Yarrow Beach Plum
Young Dandelion Leaves
White & Red Mulberry
Young Pokewood Shoots
Wine Berry
Black Hucklebery
Western USA 
Miner’s Letuce Brodacia Pennyroyal Elderberry Acorn Sages
Curly Dock Yampa Sages Manzanita Chia Fennel
Filaree Cattail Sagebrush Holly Leaf Cherry Chinquapin Juniper
Nettle Biscuit Root Mormon Tea Cactus Pear Mesquite Wild Onions
New Zealand Spinach Mariposa Lily
Sugar Bush Tule-Bulrush Wild Mustards
Desert Holly Cames

Good Tasting Wild Edible Plants of the United States.
©1997-2015 Peter Edward Firk

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